Strategic Communication to the Public
In addition to publishing peer-reviewed papers, we are responsible for conveying the Lab’s research to the general public and other stakeholders in language and media that are accessible to non-scientists. Every year, Lab-wide initiatives and priorities are set forth in the Annual Lab Plan, and each scientific area — and the Operations area — has its own strategic plan. These plans offer guidance to the Lab’s Strategic Communications Office in making decisions about how to share the Lab’s research with key audiences. Research related to Lab-wide initiatives, and oftentimes other work, is shared via news release and/or social media. Strategic Communications works with Associate Lab Directors to put together communication plans for upcoming research, and helps area communicators to share this work widely. Much of this work is published daily online at the Lab’s News Center.
For researchers who may be speaking to the news media about their work, the Lab’s Strategic Communications Office offers media training and can help with messaging on a variety of scientific topics. For information, email
Employee Communications
The Lab’s Strategic Communication group gathers, researches, and distributes to employees information that promotes a common frame of reference about Lab leadership priorities, amplifies and builds the Lab’s professional and cultural fabric, and equips employees to be the primary ambassadors for the Lab among its stakeholders and in its communities.