We will engage everyone to ensure a safe working environment here, so that all return home safely at the end of each day.
DOE National Labs are unique amongst the public sector R&D institutions in that they are subject to self–regulation in many areas of EH&S. In essence, DOE is both landlord and regulator. In addition, the DOE organization itself is extremely complex and requirements can come from many directions with no clear resolution path or ownership. Both of these facets lead to a very complex EHS environment with a high degree of oversight and a low degree of risk tolerance.
To help navigate this complexity, DOE has articulated principles for how line management will implement safety through its policy on Integrated Safety Management (ISM). These form the core structure for how we systematically integrate safety into management and work practices so that missions are accomplished efficiently and safely. At Berkeley Lab, Division Directors have the key role in implementing this policy’s five principles; your understanding is critical.
Division Directors assure the following:
Line Management Responsibility
- Line managers understand their responsibilities and are accountable for the safety of their employees.
- Employees understand and are accountable for their own safety.
- Everyone in the organization is working together to achieve safe operations.
- Division ISM Plans (see individual division websites)
- Annual Performance Reviews
- Performance Management
Clear Roles and Responsibilities
- The (entire) management chain is clearly defined – especially for the complex, interdisciplinary, and matrixed teams that characterize our science.
- This extends to inter-laboratory collaborations, off-site work, and subcontractors.
- In particular, Activity Leads are identified for all work that have proper technical expertise, and the time and authority to exercise proper oversight.
- Organization chart (& see individual division websites)
- Berkeley Lab’s Work Planning and Control (WPC) Activities
- Activity Lead expectations and training (in development)
Competence Commensurate with Responsibilities
- All staff must be trained to a level where they can identify and control the hazards that they encounter in their work.
- This includes the Lab’s formal EHS training. Equally important, this includes on-the-job training on the tasks that they perform and qualification by their line management.
All Work is Planned, Controlled and Authorized
- Line management employs work planning tools to specify the scope of work, and identify the hazards and controls before work is authorized.
- All work is conducted within those authorized scopes.
- Systems are employed to identify and resolve questions, concerns, and confusion.
- Workforce Planning and Control
- ISM at the Bench tools (in development)
Balanced Priorities
- Safety needs and requirements are identified early in projects to ensure efficient and effective integration.
- Systems are in place to understand organizational risks and adequately control them.
- Berkeley Lab’s Project Management tools (in development)
- Division Self Assessment